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Centerpiece Tonewoods Corporation (CTC) was founded with a focus on wood and only wood, to provide a direct source of supply for the finest tone woods of the world, most especially those deriving from the forests of Brazil and Latin America, as well as other regions of the world. CTC draws on an extensive background in musical instrument building and the supply of instrument builders.


Our parent company in Brazil has over he course of many years developed sources of supply that adhere to the principles of certifiable sourcing, sustainable harvesting, and select quality. 


The creation of a US - based affiliate was a natural step to guarantee that the integrity of the supply chain remains intact, and the quality of our wood product offerings remains high. We look forward to serving the international community of luthiers and musical instrument manufacturers. 

From: Supply Chain Design And Management For Emerging Markets: Learning From Countries and Regions, 
Edited by Wojciech Piotrowicz and Richard Cuthbertson, Springer Press, 2015
The Current State of Supply Chain Management in Brazil    Sılvio R.I. Pires  


“The third case closes this chapter . . . pays special homage to the country that has “supplied” the music world in the twentieth century with excellent guitarists. The company Ronay Brazilian Woods Components [affiliate - supplier of Centerpiece Tonewoods Corp.] is a wooden component supplier in the supply chain for both electric and acoustic guitars. The company embarked on its activities over a decade ago in the interior of São Paulo State, when the then luthier, Mr. Ronay Goncalves, after receiving various orders from large world string instrument producers, identified great potential for transforming himself into a prime supplier of wooden components in the sector. . . . 

Knowledgeable of the distinct quality of certain types of wood in the country, the relatively high cost of transport in the timber industry and the country’s interest in projects to add value to commodities, generation of employment and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, he decided to install a production unit in the city of Rio Branco, Acre State, in the extreme west, in the Amazon region.

There he developed his supply chain on three traditional fronts. In the inbound, he developed partnerships with local, internationally certified timber producers, that is, timbers that were produced using modern, sustainable methods of forest management.


Internally, he sought to train the locally-hired labourers (the majority of whom had a low level of schooling) for the production of high-quality components capable of fulfilling the precise requirements of the customers.


In the outbound, he developed partnerships with the LSP for exportation via the Port of Santos (on theAtlantic coast) and via the recently built pioneering highway linking the city to Peru, thus allowing access to the Port of Ilo on the Pacific coast.


The latter route has become a promising option due to the great reduction in cost and time, especially in trade with Asia. Moreover, Ronay Components has implemented a creative sustainable SCM in the Amazon jungle, training the workforce, generating jobs in the region, as well as transforming itself into a premium wooden components supplier for producers of high quality musical instruments. Exacting musicians from all over the world greatly appreciate this.


Toll free  I  Reception: 1-855-722-8499


201 South Biscayne Blvd. 

Suite 1200 Miami, FL 33131

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